The IUSCA Journal is the world's first in S&C and Sport Science to be 100% Free to submit, publish and read. We have a new article now in Community Review by Stephen Bird from the University of Southern Queensland. Please help take part in the review process by clicking the link below to the Journal and then access the pdf.
Bridging the Gap:
Conquering COVID-19 - The Importance of Sleep and Mindset
by Stephen P. Bird
In recent times, I have been heavily involved in discussions with my international colleagues and research teams (New Zealand, Europe, Canada, and United States) around key strategies and solutions for team sport athletes due to the unprecedented circumstances and challenges presented by Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), the potential mental health challenges of the unique, yet unknown NBA “bubble” playoff format, and importantly, the overall impact of NBA “bubble” on player health and wellbeing in the context of ‘emotional wellness’. For the purpose of this editorial, ‘emotional wellness’ is defined as a “person’s ability to cope with daily circumstances and to deal with personal feelings in a positive, optimistic, and constructive manner”.
Click the link below to read the full article and take part in the review process: