Sport Science
Virtual Open Day
The UK's Largest UG Sport Science Degree Virtual Open Day
The IUSCA is proud to host the 1st Annual Virtual Open Day, free for all students interested in studying an undergraduate degree in Sport Science.
About the Event
The essential open day event for all students considering a degree in Sport & Exercise Science or similar.
Featuring short presentations from all of the leading institutions in the area of Sport Science, including: Loughborough, Bath, Sheffield Hallam, Staffordshire, Essex, Aberystwyth, Swansea, Lincoln, Plymouth, Abertay, Stirling, and Exeter.
You will have the opportunity to learn about the courses, modules, tutors, and placement experiences on offer at the various universities around the UK.

About the IUSCA
The IUSCA is a non-profit organisation founded in 2019. It serves as a global authority in university strength and conditioning (S&C) as well as in the wider sector of sports performance and sports science.
The IUSCA offers the highest degree embedded qualification in S&C through Degree Accreditation, and also offers industry leading quality assurance through Independent Department External Evaluation (IDEE).
Leading academic journal, the International Journal of Strength and Conditioning (IJSC) is also published by the IUSCA, and is 100% free to publish and is open-access.