Eine weltweit führende Organisation zu sein, die sich der Entwicklung des Kraft- und Konditionierungsberufs (S&C) im Universitätsbereich verschrieben hat.
Ãœber uns _
Die International Universities Strength and Conditioning Association (IUSCA) ist ein gemeinnütziges Unternehmen, das 2019 gegründet wurde. Die IUSCA wurde entwickelt, um den wachsenden Bereich Kraft und Kondition (S&C) auf der ganzen Welt zu unterstützen.
Veröffentlichung von Forschungs- und anderen Bildungsressourcen zur Verbesserung des S&C-Sektors der Universität
Um eine qualitativ hochwertige Bereitstellung von S&C-Unterstützung zu ermöglichen und die Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden von Studenten und Athleten an allen Universitäten zu optimieren, indem Best-Practice-Richtlinien eingehalten werden
Bereitstellung von Richtlinien für Praktika und andere Unterstützungsprogramme
Auf eine faire Anerkennung und Entlohnung des S&C-Berufs im Hochschulbereich hinzuwirken
Erleichterung des Wissenstransfers zwischen Institutionen, ihren Mitarbeitern, Studenten und Berufskollegen durch die Entwicklung von Workshops, Konferenzen und anderen Netzwerkveranstaltungen
Michael Hill, Direktor für Sportleistung, Georgetown
Es war wirklich großartig, ihn zu haben, da er in vielerlei Hinsicht half, und es war eigentlich traurig, ihn gehen zu sehen. Er hat großartige Arbeit geleistet und ich würde ihn jederzeit wieder willkommen heißen.
Joe Kenn, Vice President Performance Education, Dynamic Fitness and Strength
The mISCP allows me to continue to promote the profession at the highest levels and increase the reach I may have to help and mentor our future generations of performance professionals.
Liane Blyn, Director of Sports Performance, Arizona State University
I strongly believe in and support the mission and the vision of the IUSCA. It is an honor and a privilege to be part of an amazing community of others receiving the mISCP accreditation
Brijesh Patel, Associate Athletic Director Athletic Performance, Quinnipiac University
The mISCP gives recognition for what I have done for the field of Strength and Conditioning and what I will continue to do to help the next generation of coaches.
Andrew Langford, Performance Consultant, IUSCA
It's great to have an international standard for courses and qualifications. This makes it easy for coaches to understand the level they are at, and where they want to be.
Michael Hill, Direktor für Sportleistung, Georgetown
Es war wirklich großartig, ihn zu haben, da er in vielerlei Hinsicht half, und es war eigentlich traurig, ihn gehen zu sehen. Er hat großartige Arbeit geleistet und ich würde ihn jederzeit wieder willkommen heißen.
Jed Smith, Director of Strength and Conditioning, University of Northern Iowa
It truly is an honor to be recognized by a group of internationally acknowledged professionals. This distinction is especially humbling and very meaningful to me as I accurately understand the standards set and quality control that is upheld by the International Universities Strength and Conditioning Association.
Adam Hermann, Assistant Athletics Director Sports Performance, Northwestern
I believe that the IUSCA provides the international sports performance community with a governing body that our field can be proud of. The mISCP is another step that the IUSCA has provided our community to further validate our profession and the framework for growth and development to continue. I am proud to be associated with the IUSCA and with the mISCP distinction.
Bobby Fisk, Head Strength and Conditioning Coach, NJIT
I believe that the IUSCA provides the international sports performance community with a governing body that our field can be proud of. The mISCP is another step that the IUSCA has provided our community to further validate our profession and the framework for growth and development to continue. I am proud to be associated with the IUSCA and with the mISCP distinction.
Stephanie Mock, Assistant AD for Sports Performance, University of Pittsburgh
Grateful and honored for the opportunity to collaborate with IUSCA providing opportunities for those internationally. We strive to bring in the top talent no matter what part of the globe they are from.
Michael Hill, Direktor für Sportleistung, Georgetown
Es war wirklich großartig, ihn zu haben, da er in vielerlei Hinsicht half, und es war eigentlich traurig, ihn gehen zu sehen. Er hat großartige Arbeit geleistet und ich würde ihn jederzeit wieder willkommen heißen.
Michael Hill, Associate Athletic Director of Sports Performance, Georgetown University
The mISCP is extremely important as our profession is not domestic, but rather transcontinental. As Practitioners from all continents, we are all working in the Human Performance profession and face similar challenges and successes. The IUSCA has brought together a platform to collaborate and celebrate those challenges and successes.
Griffin Waller, Assistant Athletic Director for Sports Performance, University of Portland
I’m honored to hold the mISCP distinction with the IUSCA. They have demonstrated a true passion for elevating the profession through innovation, education, and collaboration. The IUSCA is setting the standard for best practice within the industry and the mISCP accreditation is a distinction I greatly value.
Stephen Englehart, Director of Strength and Conditioning, University of Colorado
The IUSCA has been excellent in developing the growing area of strength and conditioning (S&C) worldwide. What a great organization to be a part of. To be able to help young men and women worldwide with their development of strength and conditioning has always been a passion of mine. The Distinction award I am receiving is a true honor.
Glenn Corcoran, Manager of the High Performance Training Centre, Bond University
I am driven to keep improving my knowledge, skills & qualifications within the industry to be the best I can be for myself, the athletes and teams I work with and to Bond University. The mISCP Distinction is another tool in the box that identifies and acknowledges the work, education & commitment to your field by an International Association that is striving to elevate the profile & professionalism of Strength and Conditioning worldwide.
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