About IUSCA Courses & Qualifications | IUSCA
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Courses and

The IUSCA is an International Accreditation body in S&C and Sport Science. Our courses and qualifications have been developed by experts within the field and are accredited on the International Qualification Framework (IQF), giving an international seal of approval and recognition. 


Our courses are awarded at various levels on the IQF and serve several purposes: 


  • Professional Development | Short Courses

  • Industry Standard Certifications (Level 2, 3, 4 and 8)

  • Professional Accreditation (aISCP, mISCP)


Find out more about course levels here.


See our full range of courses here.


Look out for the industry seal of approval (IQF) on courses to ensure international recognition. 

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International Qualification
Framework (IQF)

The IUSCA uses standardised course levels, rated on the International Qualification Framework (IQF), to ensure that stakeholders understand the requirements and competencies of suitably qualified individuals. 


The International Qualifications Framework (IQF) is designed to provide understanding and transparency of the equivalent levels of education provided by different organisations. This is a standardised system that allows for the transfer of qualifications between different countries and governing bodies.


For further information regarding each IQF Level, please refer to the corresponding Table of Competencies, which details the level of understanding at each IQF stage.


Please note that IQF Level is indicative of the level of understanding and not the breadth of knowledge, which is usually classified by content hours or hours of guided learning.


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The International Qualification Framework makes it easy to understand the different levels of certification and has helped me structure my learning towards achieving industry accreditation with the IUSCA.

Ben Richmond, Academy Strength and Conditioning Coach, Leeds, UK

Image by Rinke Dohmen
Course List
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This course really helped develop my confidence and coaching skills. You don't get a lot of practical experience like this at university, but this taught me so much.

Patrick, Student at University of Lincoln


As an International Accreditation Body, our qualifications carry global recognition. Look out for the IQF logo, signifying regulated standards within the profession. 









Check out our portfolio of courses and qualifications now!

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Andrew Langford, Performance Consultant

It's great to have an international standard for courses and qualifications. This makes it easy for coaches to understand the level they are at, and where they want to be. 

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Aden Flannagan, Lead S&C Coach, Leicester City

 When recruiting, we look for candidates that have the right qualifications and show a keen interest in professional development. The IUSCA seal guarantees the standards we require. 

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I believe that the IUSCA provides the international sports performance community with a governing body that our field can be proud of. The IQF is another step that allows us to further validate our profession and promotes a framework for growth and development.

Adam Hermann, Assist. Athletics Director Sports Performance, Northwestern

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As an International Accreditation Body, our qualifications carry global recognition. All courses are rated on the International Qualification Framework (IQF)









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